Powerful Writing Music: Kaki King

I love writing to music. I carefully curate my playlists for each book, for each mood. For example, I’m working on a space opera right now, and so I’ve selected several bits of electronica for intense scenes, for ambient scenes and sad scenes. I keep it carefully compartmentalized for emotional content. There’s no point in getting super amped-up if I’m supposed to be writing a quiet confessional. Likewise, sad piano music wouldn’t get me through a laser-strewn dogfight.

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Concepts of UX in Writing: Progressive Disclosure


Use the UX concept of progressive disclosure to keep your readers interested and alert when describing difficult settings. Use of this concept will give facts a more organic, natural revelation.

This is the first part in a series on User Experience (UX) Concepts in Writing. For more information on UX and other important software design ideas, check out the Wikipedia article.
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Best Music Videos of 2014: Take a Break from Your Writing

I know this isn’t a post about writing.

However, I feel like I’m allowed to inspire and shake you around, if only for a bit. Music videos are one of my favorite formats, and watching them can be like reading tarot cards; Sometimes, they create stories in you where there are none. Other times, I just wanted an excuse to share music with you.

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Indie Publishing Versus Traditional Publishing: It’s Not a Moral Decision


I have no idea why people get so nasty about publishing. We live in a magical era where you have choices. There is no good and evil.
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