How to Plan a Writing Retreat, Part 3: Food

If you’re going to plan a writing retreat, you’ve got to get rid of the distractions.One of the biggest obstacles to good writing is that pesky need to eat. Here, our Head Chef (my incredibly talented wife, Renée White), enlightens you about the challenges faced by the cooks.

Continue reading How to Plan a Writing Retreat, Part 3: Food

How to Plan a Writing Retreat, Part 2: The Schedule

So you’ve got your writers’ retreat going, but what do you do from there? Without a structure, the whole thing will deteriorate into drinking and board games. Yes, I know you’re all a bunch of nerds.

This post is all about supporting the goals listed in my first article. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you take a few minutes and head that way. If you’re ready to move onto the next topic, learn about the food requirements. Continue reading How to Plan a Writing Retreat, Part 2: The Schedule