Modularism – A Process for Your Process

Frameworks save time.

No matter what industry you’re in, frameworks abound. In manufacturing, they have systems like Lean and Six Sigma. In software design, they use Agile Scrum, and there are about a billion quality assurance processes. In fiction, there are popular models like Save the Cat and StoryGrid. (I’m going to mention The Heroine’s Journey here, because you really should check it out.)

Each one of these systems is intended to solve a problem for you. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Are any of them totally correct for any given situation? No. Will any of them handle all eventualities? Also no.

Continue reading Modularism – A Process for Your Process

How to Name a Novel: The CAM Method

I’m not the best at a first-draft name. It’s tough, because I’m usually writing it with little to no knowledge of how the project will actually turn out. I may as well call it NOVEL 09 DRAFT1 and be done.

Inevitably, I’ll have to change the name when it goes to my agent. But what do I call it now? How do I alter the way I think and talk about the book?

I use a chart.

Continue reading How to Name a Novel: The CAM Method

Concepts of UX in Writing: Progressive Disclosure


Use the UX concept of progressive disclosure to keep your readers interested and alert when describing difficult settings. Use of this concept will give facts a more organic, natural revelation.

This is the first part in a series on User Experience (UX) Concepts in Writing. For more information on UX and other important software design ideas, check out the Wikipedia article.
Continue reading Concepts of UX in Writing: Progressive Disclosure